Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The greeting in Turkana land is Ejoka/Ejoke . Here is the warm colorful Ejoka we experienced.
There's one photo with an elderly woman kissing a piece of paper... the paper is actually an icon I used in my lesson. I was humbled by her peace and reverence.
The last photo in this set shows the parishioners bearing home-made gifts while singing and dancing. It was a beautiful and heart wrenching goodbye moment.
Its hard to believe we were really there, and now that we're really here.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


We recently returned from the Turkana region of Kenya. It is difficult for me to write my feelings about something so personal and far away. This much is true: hunger is real, culture is essential, and God is God... here and there. Here are some of the black and white photos from the trip.